Photoshop deals in bitmap images as opposed to vector graphics, we
do not recommend using Photoshop to create electronic art. However,
if the job meets the criteria below, it may be acceptable. For more
information on bitmap images and vector graphics, please view the
corresponding section in General
- Results from Photoshop
are best when used for single-color, solid logos. Screens can
be emulated but cannot be manipulated once drawn.
- Single color jobs
set up in Photoshop must be in either Grayscale or Bitmap mode.
Photoshop files that are not saved in either mode will be converted
before going into production.
- When setting up your
image, please be aware of the resolution or dpi (dots per inch).
We print to film at 1270 dpi. We recommend saving your file at
600 dpi and no less than 300 dpi. Saving at a lower resolution
may produce "rough" or bitmapped edges.
- Please double-check
any text layed out in Photoshop. If the resolution is not high
enough, the text will turn out "fuzzy" or bitmapped.