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4.25" x 2.75" Custom Two Color
on Chrome Vinyl stickers
4.25" x 2.75" Custom vinyl stickers

Prices based on using one stock ink from the list above;
Custom PMS Ink Color Matching available
for an additional charge of $30.00 per color.

Turnaround time is 10 working days or less,
plus shipping transit time to your location.
(Average turnaround time is 7 to 8 working days).

Questions/Options with * are required:

Please Select Quantity:

What is the name of your artwork file
for this order?*

Have you submitted this file
to Contagious Graphics for verification?*

Please choose type of Chrome Vinyl*:

What are the two Ink Colors?*
Ink Color #1:

Ink Color #2:

If Custom PMS Ink Match please list PMS #:

Enter any Special Instructions here: